Public reaction on the Elohim's planet focused on fears of these "test tube children" being very intelligent and therefore posed a threat to the Elohim, especially the "race" of humans that were created in the biblical Garden of Eden (there were apparently 7 teams in all and therefore seven races of humans created). The Elohim geniocratic government decided to follow what might be called "the Prime Directive" of sci-fi lore and not meddle with humanity's development... they would keep the first humans ignorant of advanced scientific knowledge (p. 15).
However, the scientific creationist team at the biblical Garden of Eden (which according to Rael was located in the country [we] now call Israel, which at the time was not far from Greece and Turkey on the original continent) violated the prime directive by giving their creation, Adam and Eve access to almost all scientific knowledge. This team was supposedly headed by Lucifer. As a result, the Elohim geniocratic government condemned Lucifer's team to live in exile while all other scientists stopped all work and returned home. The prime directive was installed again when humans with scientific knowledge were cast out of the Garden of Eden (p. 18).
Now, what did the exiled group of Elohim geniuses do? Yup, they go on and violate the prime directive again by "taking the beautiful daughters of Man as wives of all which they chose" and had offspring called the Nephilim in the Bible. On top of giving a full education (the biblical Tree of Knowledge), the exiled scientists then allowed some early humans to benefit from life extension technology (the biblical Tree of Life) (p. 19).
Then the Elohim geniocratic government, the Council of Eternals, with Yahweh as its President, decided to destroy all life on Earth just because they felt humanity was progressing a little too fast:
"These actions seemed very dangerous to people on the distant planet. The scientific progress on Earth was fantastic, and they decided to destroy what had been created. [..] The “evil” in question was the desire of human beings to become scientific and independent people equal to their creators. Being “good”, as far as those on the Elohim’s planet were concerned meant the new human beings would remain primitive, vegetating on the Earth. Their “evil” was their wish to progress, perhaps enabling them one day to catch up with their creators." (pp. 19-20)
It should be noted that the reason for the Elohim causing the Flood was fear that human would surpass them and threaten their world when all humans wanted was to "become scientific and independent people equal to their creators". Evidence of how humans were posing a clear threat to the Elohim at that immediate time was not provided by Rael in his first book The Book which Tells the Truth (1974). The Elohim "were afraid to create anything highly superior to themselves, although some were tempted to do so. [..] In fact, some creators worry that the people of the Earth may be slightly superior to their fathers. “Satan” is one of those who has always thought, and still does, that the people of the Earth are a danger to our planet because they are a little too intelligent." (p. 93) Yahweh apparently also said: "the people on Earth may be superior to us because the capacity of that part of the brain, which accumulates information, the memory, is larger. Human beings on Earth will be able to accumulate more knowledge than us, and therefore will advance further scientifically, if they have the means. This is what frightens those who oppose the council of eternals. People on Earth may progress faster than us, if nothing stops them." (p. 113) This fear is unfounded especially since in Rael's second book he reveals the existence of a universal law that allows only those civilizations who have overcome violence to escape their planetary systems: "Thousands of contacts have confirmed this absolute rule in the universe - people capable of escaping their planetary system are always peaceful." (p. 151)
In his fourth book Let's Welcome the ETs (1979), Rael finally mentions Satan collecting hard evidence of the barbaric nature of early humans in order to make a case for destroying all life on Earth; human men started fighting among themselves with weaponry obtained from females in "tender relations" with Lucifer's gang (p. 279). The Elohim's decision of destroying all life on Earth is akin to the unethical preemptive strikes by the U.S. on other sovereign countries on the premise that "evil people" will surpass and dominate the U.S. and threaten their lives if not stopped before it happens.
The Raelians believe that the early humans were not mature enough to have received technology ahead of their time and therefore misused the technology for destructive purposes. However, if Adam and Eve were instead the biological children of the Elohim, then calling them "primitive" would be out of the question. All that humanity needed was either to have continued receiving a full education and full access to high tech and be equal to the Elohim or they should have been left alone to develop all by itself. In Rael's story, the Elohim do neither. The same fear of humans being a threat to the Elohim was expressed again in Rael's first book when Yahweh warned that they would destroy us by blowing up our own stockpiles of nuclear weapons (p. 105). This threat was later retracted in Rael's second book, ETs Took Me to Their Planet (1975), saying that Rael had mistranscribed what Yahweh had dictated to him (p. 150).
As the biblical story continues, a small group of fifteen humans survived the Flood: Noah and a couple from each of the seven races created. Human civilization took a foot hold and started making remarkable progress because again the exiled Elohim geniuses violated the prime directive to intervene and help. They even tried to help the "People of Israel" build a rocket to go to the Elohim's planet on a peace expedition.
Somehow, all this passed by Yahweh's radar undetected until humans actually started to build this "Tower of Babel". Yahweh's government then decided to take away all scientific knowledge from humans and get the meddling exiled scientists back home. In order to deal with disgruntled humans seeking some sort of revenge, the Elohim geniocratic government decided to nuke Sodom and Gomorrah (p. 23). After that, Humanity supposedly lapsed back into a semi-primitive state (p. 24).
Curiously, according to Rael the Elohim themselves have never been interfered with. It was only around the time of the Prophets that the Elohim found out that they themselves had been created (p. 63). The Elohim's own creators apparently took precautions to send them a spaceship full of information in case they disappeared for good. Does this mean the Elohim never had any religions? Their creators hadn't sent them any prophets of any kind.
Rael writes that the Elohim have made thousands of contacts with other ET civilizations who are less advanced than them but more than us. The Elohim apparently are the only "creator" ET race in this part of the universe and that the Elohim haven't yet met any other creator ETs. They report, from these contacts that these ETs were also created: "We have economic relations with many other planets on which life has been created by other people who must have reached a scientific level equivalent to ours, because their religious writings prove this to us." (p. 107) Looks like these ETs have had religions without any physical contact from their supposed creators... hmmm.
Another curious point: Rael mentions the creation of two other humanoid civilizations other than our own by the Elohim. Regarding one of them, Yahweh warns in a telepathic message to Rael on 14 March 1978:
"I, Yahweh, through the words of my messenger, Rael, address to the people of the Earth the following message: Beware! It is not impossible that other extra-terrestrial civilizations will make contact very soon with the people of the Earth. They are people we have also created scientifically in another part of the universe, and with whom we maintain presently no direct communication for reasons that we cannot explain to you now without creating a serious imbalance. You must simply know that we are counting on you to reveal to those people their true origin, for they are your brothers from space and like you are looking for their creator. Tell them the truth about their creation, by revealing to them The Book Which Tells the Truth and the message of October 7th of year 30 of the Age of Apocalypse." (p. 357)
It seems that this other creation has benefited from no intervention on the Elohim's part in their affairs and look what the result is... the possibility that they have progressed more than us and will have escaped their planetary system very soon. Rael says that the Elohim's scientific inheritance will go to which ever of its creation has progressed the most:
"The three planets, on which life has been created, have been set in competition against one another. The planet on which humanity makes the most scientific progress, thereby proving its intelligence, will receive the benefit of their creators’ inheritance on the day of the “last judgement” - so long as they do not behave aggressively towards their creators. This will be the day when their knowledge will have reached a sufficiently high level. At present human beings on Earth are not very far away from that day." (Intelligent Design, p. 71).
On the other hand, we can see from human history how religions, especially the Judeo-Christian-Islamic monotheism has been responsible for much of the violent conflicts and continued backwardness in our world. Rael describes the fate of the "losers" in this cosmic competition:
"Out of the three worlds where life has been created, the one which makes the most progress will receive the inheritance. The ones which have not progressed will be DOMINATED by the other and ELIMINATED. This is also true on Earth between peoples." (p. 75)
Yikes! Prepare for a space invasion! I guess the Elohim's screwing the prime directive has really screwed us over. They can't explain why they've left the other creation alone because they'd have to admit that they've been violating the prime directive time and again with us and is planning to continue unabated. Not surprisingly, in 1998, Rael created the Order of Angels so that Raelian women can serve the Elohim sexually when they'll return by 2035. Now that has to be the Prime Objective, no? LOL
Advocatus Diaboli
this is pure demonic filth