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Friday, July 5, 2019

Testimony of Mark Woodgate (Ex-Raelian and National Guide of New Zealand for 16 years)


It was in 2003 that I came up with an idea for spreading the Raelian message based on the movie, "The Matrix"

The basic premise?

That the Raelians had discovered the ultimate of truths and in doing so we had escaped the Matrix. (In this context the Matrix represented the world we live in, where people are sleepwalking through life completely unaware of the truth of their existence)

Dressed in character we took to the streets with the purpose of finding others who might be ready to escape this 'Matrix.'

7 years later I have discovered that the Raelian Movement is not what we have been led to believe (after extensive investigation), that in fact it is the Raelians themselves who have fallen victim to a very clever illusion...

Are you sufficiently open minded to question your existing paradigms? Or are you a sleepwalker - someone who finds their sleep very comfortable?

If TRUTH matters, then read on to discover just how deep the rabbit hole goes...

Testimony of Marie-Hélène Parent (Ex-Raelian Priest, Raelian for 25 years)

Original French message will follow.


In 1978, I read Claude Vorilhon’s book “The book which tells the truth”. I lived all alone with this “truth…” which hunted me every day until 1981, because there was in these revelations some points that touched me a lot. In April 1981, I finally meet for the first time the Raelians. I loved those people a lot, they were marvelous and they still are.

They convinced me to go to the awakening seminar in July of that same year. It is at this time that the adventure really began; I would rather say the misadventures which, with the 25 years that followed, would reveal to me the true personality of this being which pretend to be prophet, but is in every way the contrary of what a prophet should be.

My actual experiences near him will unveil to me, as you will see, an individual who lies, who lacks a lot of love and respect for others. He is jealous, possessive, selfish, condescending and vindictive at a highest level, moreover manipulator, cheap, profiteer and racist. Here we go, I am finally able to reveal the faults of this individual that pretends to be prophet. So many faults in only one man! His status of prophet gives him respectability that he doesn’t deserve. He has the right to be like this, but not when you are in a situation of power over so many people, because it creates so much suffering. Since we give him so much value, everything he does is respected and taken for cash and we let him hurt us without reacting, except to justify his unkindness and his incoherencies. In the following, I will explain few situations and revelations that I witnessed and which will show you all the ignoble sides of this man.

Testimony of Sage Ali (Ex-Raelian Guide in L.A. USA, Raelian for 17 years)

Download PDF file of this

Dear Friends,

I've received a number of calls and emails from people wondering why I am no longer involved in the Raelian Movement. For the most part, I've stayed silent while I did my research. It took me many months before I finally decided to write these words. During those months, I spent time doing quite a bit of thinking and observing in addition to some extensive research. I would have greatly appreciated it if someone had shared this information with me years ago, so I feel that it is my responsibility to at least make this available for those who might be open-minded enough to consider my words and do their own research.

Some of you may already know that after serving for many years as a Guide, I formally resigned from the Raelian structure on November 9th, 2009. Then, on November 12th, just three days after my resignation, I was officially banned from all Raelian meetings, events, and seminars for seven years. I was never disrespectful toward anyone, and I have always lived very harmoniously according to the principles that are taught in the Messages, so being banned came as quite a surprise to me!

I could go into more detail about exactly what happened, but I'll save that for the end in case anyone might still be interested. Personal stories can be important, but I believe that objective factual information should always be the top priority of anyone seeking the truth, especially in cases like this. The bottom line is simple: After 17 years of being very active in the Raelian Movement, I discovered factual information that made me ask questions which no Raelian Bishop or Guide was ever able to answer in a logical manner. The first and most important part of the information was found in the books of Jean Sendy.

Many people have commented that they read some of Sendy's work and didn't understand my concerns. I want to make it clear that Sendy was a brilliant writer whose books are not easy to read. I found many points in his writings that felt very familiar to me because I had read the exact same points in Rael's books for years. I was even more surprised to learn that Jean Sendy gave a public lecture in Clermont-Ferrand (France) in March 1974. Then, later that year, Rael published his first book, The Book Which Tells The Truth.

Rael always taught us to stand for truth, so I am now sharing this information in the light of Truth, Love, and Understanding. I am not accusing anyone of anything, but I am seeking a better understanding. So, if anyone can share a good explanation, I would be very happy! Thus far, the only explanations I have heard from high-ranking Raelians are based purely on belief and not on understanding. This is the opposite of all the teachings of Rael and the Messages. The Raelian teachings have always said that we should never believe or accept anything that doesn't make sense to us, no matter who says it, even if Rael says it himself. Rael has told us for years that we must always use our own consciousness and think for ourselves as individuals. If we are to truly think for ourselves, we should consider all the facts before coming to any conclusions. So, my intent here is simply to share the following information for those who might be interested.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


The following are passages from Rael's compilation e-book, Intelligent Design (ID), that reflect the vengeful nature of his writings. Many Raelians gloss over it and often go as far as denying such texts even existing and insisting that Rael's "Messages" are instead full of love from the Elohim, our supposed extraterrestrial creators.

In Raelism, there is a concept of eternal life on Elohim's "planet of the wise" (ID, p. 200) for the most deserving of humans who will have led a positive life. Similarly, there is a hell for those who will have acted negatively in their lifetime:
"They will be recreated to undergo the punishment they deserve, after being judged by those whom they made to suffer or by their ancestors or descendants." (ID, p.168)
"... for those whose actions were particularly negative, a cell from their body will have been preserved, which will allow us to recreate them when the time comes, so that they can be judged and suffer the punishment they deserve. (ID, pg. 172)
Punishing clones, however, will not serve as punishment for the original evil-doers who have already died. Their clones are all innocent, and the Elohim punishing them makes the latter heartless torturers.

In Rael's first book published in 1974, a request for building an embassy for the Elohim in a "pleasant country with a mild climate" (ID, p. 101) is mentioned. However, in his second book published in 1975, a particular location was determined, that being the State of Israel:
"We wish our embassy on Earth to be built in Israel on a tract of land given to you by the government. If they refuse, you may build it elsewhere, and Israel will undergo a new punishment for not having recognized our messenger." (ID, p. 173)
On August 6, 2009, Rael apparently received a scornful message from his alleged extraterrestrial father, Yahweh for people of Jewish heritage because the State of Israel had continued not to respond to IRM's request for extraterritorial rights for building the ET Embassy. Below is an excerpt:
"Only those Jews who, in the past and until this day, have struggled from the inside and outside of Israel against this zionist racism, against the creation of the currently racist state of Israel, retain their Right to Jewishness, that is to say, to remain worthy to be part of the chosen people. The others, I vomit them from my mouth. They are not even equal to the other non-chosen people. They are inferior to all living beings of the creation. They are not even at the level of animals. As such they don’t deserve to live in the Land of Israel and they and their children for 7 generations are condemned to an eternal exile, to a permanent diaspora."
Then, on August 6, 2015, Rael fed up with Israel's non-response, allegedly received an ultimatum from Yahweh. The following excerpt prophesies the destruction of the State of Israel, what the Elohim euphemiouly call the "Land of Palestine":
"the protection previously granted by us [i.e. the Elohim] to Israel is totally withdrawn as of today, and we ask that all real Jews leave the land of Palestine as quickly as possible.”

Then, there is the following for all those who actively oppose Rael:
"Although the Elohim do not directly intervene for or against humanity as a whole, they do, however, exert influence on some individuals whose actions please or displease them. Woe to those claiming to have met the Elohim or to have received a message from them if it is not true. Their life will become hell, and they will regret their lie when faced with all the troubles they will encounter. 
"Also those who act against the Guide of Guides [i.e. Rael] and try to prevent him carrying out his mission, or who go along with him in order to spread strife amongst those who follow him, they will also see their life become hell. 
"Without any obvious influence coming from above, they will know why disease, family and professional difficulties, emotional woes and other problems will all invade their earthly existence while they await their eternal punishment." (ID, p. 215)

Given the language and tone above, it is quite possible that yet another threatening message from Yahweh in 1997, this time  directed towards Australian officials, for not recognizing the International Raelian Movement (IRM) as a religious organization, and who therefore did not authorize tax exemption, is genuine. At that time, IRM was publicized as the Raelian Church. Below is an excerpt:
"The only possible redemption for Australian officials who have questioned our Supernatural All Power would be that they publicly convert to Raelism. Otherwise they will be cursed forever and their families with them. We watch and wait. But the first symptoms of our chastisement will hit the disrespectful officials incessantly. 
"Look around and understand before it's too late. Our Supernatural Power will manifest itself by striking first those who dared to doubt or their family. Accidents, illnesses, inexplicable trials and all kinds. Hell awaits you. And no prayer addressed to false Christian gods or others can change anything. Only conversion to Raelism can save you."

It followed that in 2006, after Rael tried to pull off the CLONAID human clone hoax, he got barred from entering South Korea. In response, Rael declared this spiteful threat in an official Raelian newsletter:
"I prophetize [sic.] that, as described in the Messages from our Creators the Elohim, the punishment of the Elohim will continue to hit Korea and Korean officials with many more scandals to come, and natural and unexplainable catastrophes." (Contact #307)

Besides all the threatening examples above, there are numerous passages in Rael's e-book that contain violence perpetrated by the Elohim. Rael's Elohim are a vengeful and violent species of extraterrestrials... if they exist, that is. LOL

Advocatus Diaboli

Monday, June 3, 2019

100,000 IRM Structure Members?

The International Raelian Movement's (IRM) ET Embassy website claims there are "more than 100,000 members around the world" in a FAQ explaining what IRM is:

Semantically, there's a difference between Raelian Structure members and "simple Raelians". While the latter are not required to join IRM, the former are individuals who have joined IRM. There are also national movements, the members of which are free to join IRM or not. However, according to the FAQ above, IRM claims to have more than 100,000 Structure members (as opposed to including "simple Raelians").

We can also differentiate Raelians by the amount of money they donate. According to Rael's book, all Raelians are commanded to pay 1% of their annual incomes to the Raelian Foundation, the sole beneficiary of which is Rael (Intelligent Design, p. 358). National movement members are obligated to pay 3% of their annual incomes, while IRM members are required to pay an additional 7%. All IRM members are also members of their respective national chapters and therefore pay 11% in total.

Structure members are given "levels" ranging from 0 to 6 (Level 0 are initiates, while Level 6 is Rael) and are obligated not to deviate from any directive Rael gives them. Rael says "simple Raelians" are free to express themselves in any way they wish, but not Structure members. Rael's Face Book "friends" are apparently all Structure members.

However, leaked internal documents present a very different picture. A Level 5 Raelian Bishop Guide, Leon Mellul, sent out an email dated October 1, 2017, reporting the latest stats in IRM's database (as of September, 2017).

All Raelians, whether Structure members or not, need to get baptized in order to be recognized as followers of Rael. Such a ritual is called "Transmission of the Cellular Plan" (TCP). The records below show that there has been only 21,168 TCPs since 1973 when Rael created his cult.

This means there can't be more than 100,000 Raelians worldwide, let alone Structure members. IRM has consistently been inflating membership numbers to the public.

Below is a breakdown of different categories of Raelians:

"Prospects" aren't Raelians; they are anyone who have signed their names when attending Raelian conferences and/or gatherings, downloaded Raelian e-books, etc. but didn't get their TCPs done. This figure is closest to the inflated "official" stats and could be the basis for IRM's deception.

The next two categories, "Raelians (non-structure)" and "Members", aren't very well defined. It could be the former are people who got baptized, but didn't join local national movements.

We can see that there were only 2,665 Structure members worldwide, contrary to what Rael claims how many Face Book "friends" he has. It's interesting to note that almost an equal number of people quit the Structures over time. That's a far cry from the official stat of "more than 100,000 members."

If we ignore the "prospects" and add up the next three categories, we get a total of only 18,111 Raelians worldwide as of September, 2017. If we count the rest, i.e. people who have been "suspended", "excluded", or quit, we get a total of 5,300 people who were once Raelians.

Advocatus Diaboli

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Navy UFO Sightings: A False Message

The International Raelian Movement (IRM) is trying again to ride on the coattails of the recent UFO hype stirred up by mainstream media.

On May 30, 2019, IRM published a press release about a recent New York Times' article spotlighting a US Navy's F/A-18 Super Hornet pilot, Lt. Ryan Graves, who reported observing UFOs. Pilots from the aircraft carrier Roosevelt made repeated observations of strange objects like a "spinning top'' surrounded by a "glowing aura" flying over the East Coast that could allegedly fly at hypersonic speeds, make swift stops and turns, reach 30,000 feet in altitude, and fly all day long without apparent engine or exhaust plumes. According to them, such technology assembled in one craft simply doesn’t yet exist, implying the objects were alien spacecrafts.

An infrared (ATFLIR) video taken on January 20, 2015, was released by the US Defense Department's secretive Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program [1] in late 2017 that seems to back up the anecdotal claims made by Lt. Graves above. The New York Times ran an article about it at that time written by the same authors. The video in question is being widely circulated with the title GIMBAL since the infrared camera was mounted on a gimbal pod that can rotate in any direction.

It isn't apparent whether Lt. Graves was one of the pilots in the video. The conversation heard in the video is very casual and does not use military protocol, indicating that it might have been taken during a training exercise for rookies. The transcript attached to the video opens with, "It's a fucking drone, bro!" followed with "There's a whole fleet of them! Look on the ASA." At one point, one of them says, "It's rotating!"

After a thorough investigation by Metabunk, it was concluded that the object is most probably another jet (or, drone). The apparent "glowing spinning top" was due to the long distance and infrared glare caused by a twin jet engine. The rotation is consistent with how spikes in a glare artifact would rotate when viewed by a gimbal FLIR camera following a curved trajectory.

There are no other visual evidence that corroborates the fantastic claims made by Lt. Graves except for another video that was released shortly after the GIMBAL video titled GO FAST. In it, we can just observe a small dot darting in a straight line showing nothing significant or unearthly. It's likely it's a balloon rather than a jet plane, since it doesn't have a heat signature. Again, the conversation heard does not maintain military protocol and is very casual.

Thrown into the mix of this naval UFO hype is yet another video titled FLIR1 taken way back in 2004 using a similar infrared camera setup. It's known as the USS Nimitz UFO incident. The Washington Post published an article about it just days after the New York Times first broke the news about the black project in late 2017. Cmdr. David Fravor claimed in an interview with Fox News he saw a flying object about the size of his plane that looked like a Tic Tac after a break in a routine training mission. The object moved rapidly and unlike any other thing he had ever seen in the air. Apparently, Cmdr. Fravor's account was just a recollection of the incident and that he wasn't the one who had taken the video.

Again, Metabunk did a thorough investigation and concluded that the footage is consistent with a distant jet plane flying away from the camera. At the end of the video it gently drifts off to the left, either making a turn or due to the camera lock drifting. A sudden jump between 1x and 2x zoom makes this look vastly more dramatic than it actually is.

The Raelian press release tries to insinuate that alien spacecrafts deliberately showed themselves to these naval pilots in order to bring to them a "message of peace" before they were deployed to the Persian Gulf to drop bombs over Syria and Iraq.

In reality, IRM is just taking advantage of the media hype related to UFO sightings (as they always do) to advance their belief that aliens called the Elohim of the Bible scientifically created all life on Earth and that they would appear more and more in our skies in order to increase awareness and facilitate their ongoing efforts of promoting an official encounter at an Embassy dedicated to welcoming them officially. Fortunately, these UFO sightings eventually generate more conventional evidence that show the objects to be misidentified normal aerial phenomena. UFOs do not automatically equate to alien spacecraft.

Advocatus Diaboli

Also, check out:

[1] Apparently the ex-chief of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, Luis Elizondo, resigned from the Pentagon in October 2017. Subsequently, he joined this organization created in 2015 by musician, Tom DeLonge, "To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences". The government black project lost funding in 2012 (but is still apparently operational), and this new venture may have had the potential of becoming a lucrative option for Elizondo and other retired people of the Department of Defense to get behind and "disclose" the officially released videos. This video outlines the connection between the Elizondo and DeLonge.

Saturday, May 4, 2019


Daniel Turcotte, Raelian Guide and Rael’s assistant for the Embassy Project explains, “Phase 1 will be completed when two or more countries have ratified the optional protocol, and we expect that this should be achieved by 2019 (Press Release, March 2017).”

The following documents the progress of Phase 1 according to the press releases by the International Raelian Movement (IRM). As with the Pleasure Hospital spearheaded by the CLITORAID project, the ET Embassy project also seems to be lagging behind.

March 31, 2015 - “project file” handed to the White House and the United Nations Council of Foreign Affairs. Copies of the file given to the U.S. State Department; to French, German and other European foreign ministers; and to "many other" government officials around the world.

March 30, 2016 - “Optional Protocol Concerning Embassies for Extraterrestrials” handed to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Official request for extraterritoriality of the embassy made to President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Requested Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to propose a conference of all nations that are parties to the Vienna convention for the purpose of discussing the draft protocol, and to call for offers to host it.”

March 30, 2017 - ET Embassy Project timeline announced.

March 28, 2018 - “Several countries" have shown a genuine interest, but this year, "one country" has invited IRM representatives to discuss the project. The updated 2017 optional protocol handed to host country candidate and asked to address the possibility for that country to hold the first international conference to discuss the protocol.

April 2, 2019 - On-going negotiations for the past year with the "first country" to consider hosting an Embassy for Extraterrestrials. Solicited the United Nations to organize the first International conference to discuss the optional protocol. “Several countries" still show a genuine interest in the project.

We are yet to be informed of the names of the countries that have shown genuine interest and more importantly, the one country that has invited IRM to discuss the project. It is very convenient not to disclose names and rather just make bold claims.

It is interesting to ask why IRM hasn't ever disclosed the Seychelles Government's interest in the embassy project dating back to March 2000.

July, 2019 - The ET Embassy site updates the timeline and pushes back phase 1 to be between 2019 and 2022.

March 28, 2020 - Letter sent to United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres asking him to consider holding an international convention to discuss the “Optional Protocol Concerning Embassies for Extraterrestrials.” The response to the letter explained that the United Nations was not able to act without the support of the member states, and so IRM allegedly sent their proposal to all ambassadors of member states.

The press release cites a debunked video released by the US Defense Department late 2017 as evidence that UFOs exist and are "the real deal." 

Advocatus Diaboli

Friday, May 3, 2019


There is a book by a respected French journalist, René Pacaut titled “They Met Extraterrestrials” (Ils ont rencontré des extra-terrestres, 1978) which is a collection of interviews of so-called “contactees” of the 1970s. One of the interviewees was Claude Vorilhon, Rael.

Rael's account from that interview, however, was in contradiction with what he wrote in several instances in his first book, “The Book Which Tells the Truth” (Le Livre qui dit la vérité, 1974).

In his book, Rael relates that on the 13th of December 1973, he went to a volcano overlooking Clermont-Ferrand in central southern France. He wrote:
I went more to get a breath of fresh air than to take a drive in my car. My legs were itching after a full year following the races from circuit to circuit, almost always living on four wheels, so to speak ... [ ]... I walked and jogged a little and left the path where my car was parked, aiming to reach the center of the crater called Puy-de-Lassolas where I often went for picnics with my family in the summer (Intelligent Design, p. 3).
However, in the interview, Rael said:
"I had just returned from the Tour de Corse automobile, and I felt tired, depressed. To escape this depression, I suddenly decided to get in my car and drive towards the Puy de la Vache. (They Met Extraterrestrials, p. 191)”
It is interesting to note that in earlier renditions of his book, there used to be a footnote stating how Rael had indeed made a mistake in identifying the location.

In his book, Rael writes:
“By now, the object was about twenty meters above the ground, and I could see it had a somewhat flattened shape. It was a flying saucer. I had always believed in their existence, but I had never dreamed I would actually see one. It measured some seven meters in diameter, about 2.5 meters in height, was flat underneath and cone-shaped ...[ ]... on closer inspection, looked more like a flattened bell with a full and bulging underside. (p. 5, 7).
However, in the interview, Rael said:
“It was only when he stopped two meters above the ground, about twenty meters from me, that I noticed that it had the shape of a huge bell, 4 meters high. and a diameter of 7 meters. He had the color of silver metal ...[ ]... I was, in any case, a hundred leagues away from suspecting the existence of UFOs and aliens. All this made me, for me, part of the realm of dreams (p. 190, 191).”
It is interesting to note that Rael has never mentioned “silver metal” or “metallic” to describe the alleged flying saucer he saw at that time in his book.

In his book, Rael describes the extraterrestrial's voice and what he asked the visitor:
“Thinking that I had to find out if he could hear me, I asked: ‘Where do you come from?’
He answered in a strong, articulate voice that was slightly nasal: ‘From very far away.’ ‘Do you speak French?’ I enquired
(p. 6)”.
However, in the interview, Rael said:
“Encouraged, I asked him, at random: 'Where are you from?' To my amazement, he said in a deep voice, without the slightest accent: "From far away!" Emboldened by this answer, I asked him again: "What are you doing here (p. 190)?"
According to his book, Rael asked why the extraterrestrial was visiting only after asking a couple more questions: if it was the first time visiting and if so, how often it was.

Later in his book, Rael writes how long it would take us to travel to the extraterrestrial's planet:
“Our planet is 30,000,000 parasangs away from Earth or about nine thousand billion kilometers, just a little less than a light year. By moving at the speed of light, or 300,000 kilometers per second, you would take almost one year to reach our planet. With your present day rockets, which travel at only 40,000 kilometers per hour, it would take you about 26,000 years to reach our planet (p. 89).”
However, the interviewer reported:
This is how his interlocutor will teach him that the planet from which he originates is located a light-year away from Earth, that is to say at a distance such that with the fastest of our rockets we would take 90,000 years to reach it (p. 192).

In his book, Rael writes how the flying saucer changed color as it took off:
“Because the sky was clearer this time, I was able to watch more closely as it took off. It hovered motionless at a height of about 400 meters, then still without the slightest sound, the vessel turned red as if it was heating up, then as white as white-hot metal, and then finally a sort of bluish purple like an enormous spark, which was impossible to look at. Then it disappeared completely (p. 25).”
However, the interviewer reported:
Claude Vorilhon descended [the flying saucer], and soon, the "bell" rose vertically by changing color. It went from electric blue to white then turns to bright red before getting lost in the clouds (p. 192).

Rael claims that his books enshrine the truth and that nothing has been changed in the script:
“Our world has continued to change very rapidly during that period, always in the direction of the revealed information I was first given in the early to mid 1970s. That is why the books are reproduced unchanged here to demonstrate that the extraordinary truths first revealed three decades ago are being gradually and successively proven by new scientific discoveries and developments (p. 364).”
It is evident, however, that Rael has had different versions of the “truth” in the various interviews before and after the release on his books. Check out the Maryse Péloquin Video Files that highlight many other discrepancies in Rael's verbal testimonies in the earlier days of creating his career as a doomsday cult leader dressed up as a utopian visionary for all of humanity. Check out also, Maryse Péloquin's book, “RAEL: The Thief of Souls: Biography of a Liar” (Raël: Voleur d'âmes: Biographie d'un menteur, 2004)

Advocatus Diaboli

Reference in French:

Monday, April 29, 2019

Raelian ET Embassy's FAKE NEWS Page: UFOs

In previous iterations of the Raelian Movement's Elohim Embassy website, they used to showcase two UFO sighting incidents that have been thoroughly debunked. Check out: Raelian Embassy: ZERO PROGRESS.

In their latest iteration, they have a page titled “Evidence”, under which they have two categories: UFO and Crop Circles.

I have already addressed their claims of crop circles as being created by the Elohim. They speculate that crop circles are a gentle, playful and thought-provoking strategy aimed at preparing us for an official contact with an extraterrestrial civilization. Check out: CROP CIRCLES and RAELISM.

Under the “UFO” section, they admit that “some UFO sightings are mistakes and some are fakes, but there are many that are very credible” as being the Elohim's spacecrafts. They claim “reliable information on unidentified flying objects (UFOs) is available from a number of sources.” They define reliable sources as policemen, pilots, astronauts and former high-ranking government and military officials.

They highlight:
Paul Hellyer, who was Minister of National Defense and then Minister for Transport in Canada in the 1960’s.
Sir Winston Churchill, who was the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in the 1940s.
Dr. Edgar Mitchell, who in 1971 on the Apollo 14 mission, became the sixth man to walk on the moon.
Fife Symington, former governor of Arizona in the United States in the 1990s.
Dennis Kucinich, presidential candidate in the 2008 U.S. presidential election.
Jimmy Carter, former U.S. President in the late 1970s.
Paul Hellyer
The ET Embassy site names Paul Hellyer as a credible source for their claim that the Elohim are real.

However, in an interview with RT (formerly Russia Today) in 2014, characterized by Yahoo News as "sadly hard to take seriously", Hellyer said that at least four species of aliens have been visiting Earth for thousands of years, with most of them coming from other star systems, although there are some living on Venus, Mars and Saturn’s moon. According to him, they "don't think we are good stewards of our planet."

The trouble is, Rael claims that no other ETs other than the Elohim have been visiting Earth.

Sir Winston Churchill
The ET Embassy site claims that Winston Churchill conspired with General Dwight Eisenhower to ban the reporting of UFO incidents for fifty years as a cover up.

Turns out, that claim is a 3rd personaccount from the grandson of an RAF service man. There’s no official records to back up the claim.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell
The current ET Embassy website notes this in reference to Dr. Edward Mitchell as confessing, “The UFO phenomenon is real, though it has been covered up by our governments for a very long time” as evidence of the Elohim.

Turns out, on July 25, 2008, Mitchell clarified that his comments did not involve NASA [as covering up evidence] but quoted unnamed sources, since deceased, at Roswell who confided to him that the Roswell incident did involve an alien craft. Mitchell also claims to have subsequently received confirmation from an unnamed intelligence officer at the Pentagon.

In an interview for AskMen published March 6, 2014, Mitchell said that he had never seen a UFO, that no one had ever threatened him over his claims regarding UFOs, and that any statements about the covering up of UFOs being a worldwide cabal was "just speculation on my part".

What is Rael's opinion on the Roswell incident?... he says they are manufactured propaganda by the governments and hollywood to sensationalize UFOs as being alien invaders, thus discrediting Mitchell's speculations.

Fife Symington
The ET Embassy site mentions Fife Symington as a credible source for the Phoenix UFO sightings of 1997 actually being alien spacecrafts.

The Phoenix Lights, as it is better known, were actually 2 events on the same night: the first a formation of jet aircrafts moving very fast and the other, a string of slow moving flares dropped by the military about 2 hours later.

Dennis Kucinich
The ET Embassy site mentions Dennis Kucinich as a credible witness who saw an alien spacecraft over Shirley Maclaine’s house.

Kucinich admits what he saw was “something unidentified” and then joked about opening a campaign office in Roswell, New Mexico.

Jimmy Carter
The ET Embassy site lastly mentions Jimmy Carter as witnessing an alien spacecraft.

Carter denies what he saw was an alien spacecraft. Additionally, the US Air Force sponsored a project that studied the upper atmosphere using releases of glowing chemical clouds, produced by rockets launched from Eglin AFB rocket range in Florida. Some of these chemical clouds, notably sodium and barium, were visible by the process of resonance scattering of sunlight. Documents confirm the launch of a barium cloud in Carter’s vicinity during his “sighting”.

Looks like the ET Embassy site has nothing but FAKE NEWS to support their claims about the Elohim existing and wanting to “return” to Earth.

Advocatus Diaboli

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Rael's Mysterious Manuscript of 1974

Rael maintains that he had an encounter with an extraterrestrial, named Yahweh, on 13 December 1973 (Intelligent Design, p. 3) near his hometown of Clermont-Ferrand, France.

Rael claims that he meet Yahweh, the president of ETs known as the Elohim of the Bible, at the same place for six consecutive days, for about one hour each time, who dictated to Rael the fantastic revelations of his first book, The Book Which Tells The Truth (Intelligent Design, p. 136). Yahweh allegedly revealed to him that the Elohim created all life on Earth through genetic engineering.

Rael wrote:
For the first few days following this experience I must confess I wondered if I would dare tell anyone at all about it. The first thing I did was to make a neat copy of the notes that I had taken as best I could, although far too quickly as my interlocutor spoke to me. When this was finished, I sent the original manuscript to a serious publisher who to my knowledge did not publish esoteric works or science fiction. (Intelligent Design, p. 137)
 Rael's first book didn't roll off the printing press until the autumn of 1974 (the oldest version of his book was published in 5 November 1974). That's almost eleven months after his alleged encounter!

In order to explain away why it took so long for his book to come out, Rael elaborated a conspiracy theory claiming the publisher to whom he sent his manuscript probably wanted to repress his work by telling him it had been mislaid. After finally retrieving his manuscript, Rael alleges that his wife at the time, Marie-Paule Christini, had left her nursing job to help him with the publishing and distribution of this exceptional document (Intelligent Design, p. 138).

Oddly enough, in an interview with a French journalist, Marie-Paule iterated that she had been unaware of his extraterrestrial encounters until the book came out (Aliens Adored, p. 36).

Rael himself had given up publishing his sports magazine, AutoPop, by that time. The last edition of his magazine was published in September 1974. It should be noted that in "on November 30, 1973, French prime minister Pierre Messmer announced on TV a series of drastic measures to limit speed on French roads and to suspend all automobile races and rallies. [Rael's] sources of funding, both his journal, Auto Pop, and his test driving, were cut off." (Aliens Adored, p. 34)

To date, Rael has failed to produce his neat handwritten notes and the original manuscript.

There is, however, anecdotal evidence of Rael concocting an ET encounter hoax over drinks with some friends in 1973, which lead to the genesis of his elaborate Elohim story. One of his friends claimed that Rael then went to his hometown's news publication, La Montagne, to tell his story. After being dismissed, Rael allegedly went to Paris where he somehow got in touch with Marcel Jullian, who ran a publishing house. Through him, Rael was introduced to Jacques Chancel, who hosted a popular TV show called Le Grand Échiquier (Great Chess Board).

On 13 March 1974, Rael appeared on that show and officially kicked off his public career as the Messenger of the Elohim.

It's very curious to note that, between 1 to 10 March 1974, Clermont-Ferrand hosted the First National Congress of Science Fiction (Premier Congres National de Science-Fiction). One of the speakers was Jean Sendy, a famous author of esoterica and UFOlogy and a proponent of the ancient astronaut theory, who gave a lecture about his book, The Moon: Key to the Bible. Sociologist Susan Palmer notes:
The ancient astronaut theory was already very much in vogue in France by the time Rael’s first book came out in 1974. Jean Sendy in 1968, Serge Hutin in 1970, and Jaques Bergier in 1970 all wrote books pursuing the notion that planet earth was an ancient colonial outpost of an extraterrestrial civilization. Sendy’s book, La lune: Clé de la Bible (The moon: Key to the Bible), is perhaps the seminal influence, but Sendy himself (1972, 53) credits Voltaire as being the first to insist that the God of Genesis, who made heaven and earth, should be translated as “gods.” Sendy (7–8) also points out that in Hebrew “Elohim” is the plural form of “Eloha” and suggests that the Elohim were not immaterial beings but “physical angels with sexes.” With this premise in mind, he concludes that “Genesis becomes a perfectly consistent story of a colonization of Earth by astronauts who came from the sky” and became “angels in human memory.” Yahweh, Sendy suggests, was not an immaterial principle but rather the leader of the Elohim (63) (Aliens Adored, p. 28)
It has been demonstrated that the majority of Rael's first book was plagiarized from Jean Sendy's works. Nowhere except in Sendy's writings do we find the notion of a plural Elohim and singular Eloha equating to "Those who came from the sky" prior to Rael's books.

Rael admits in his book that he had always believed in extraterrestrials, UFOs and telepathy (Intelligent Design, pp. 5-7). So, one wouldn't be surprised if Rael was already aware of Sendy's as well as other's works on the ancient astronaut theory before coming out in public claiming to be a bona fide ET contactee.

It wasn't before appearing on TV that Rael thought he could make a career of being a UFO cult leader. It isn't a coincidence that Jean Sendy's lecture was delivered on 4 March 1974 and Rael's TV appearance on 13 March 1974. With the realization of his AutoPop and hopes of becoming a racing car driver dying, Rael must have had some months to toy around the notion of becoming a cult leader before finally publishing his first book on 5 November 1974 by himself.

Any respectable author would preserve his notes, let alone his original manuscript of a book he claims to be one containing the extraordinary TRUTH.

Advocatus Diaboli