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Monday, April 29, 2019

Raelian ET Embassy's FAKE NEWS Page: UFOs

In previous iterations of the Raelian Movement's Elohim Embassy website, they used to showcase two UFO sighting incidents that have been thoroughly debunked. Check out: Raelian Embassy: ZERO PROGRESS.

In their latest iteration, they have a page titled “Evidence”, under which they have two categories: UFO and Crop Circles.

I have already addressed their claims of crop circles as being created by the Elohim. They speculate that crop circles are a gentle, playful and thought-provoking strategy aimed at preparing us for an official contact with an extraterrestrial civilization. Check out: CROP CIRCLES and RAELISM.

Under the “UFO” section, they admit that “some UFO sightings are mistakes and some are fakes, but there are many that are very credible” as being the Elohim's spacecrafts. They claim “reliable information on unidentified flying objects (UFOs) is available from a number of sources.” They define reliable sources as policemen, pilots, astronauts and former high-ranking government and military officials.

They highlight:
Paul Hellyer, who was Minister of National Defense and then Minister for Transport in Canada in the 1960’s.
Sir Winston Churchill, who was the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in the 1940s.
Dr. Edgar Mitchell, who in 1971 on the Apollo 14 mission, became the sixth man to walk on the moon.
Fife Symington, former governor of Arizona in the United States in the 1990s.
Dennis Kucinich, presidential candidate in the 2008 U.S. presidential election.
Jimmy Carter, former U.S. President in the late 1970s.
Paul Hellyer
The ET Embassy site names Paul Hellyer as a credible source for their claim that the Elohim are real.

However, in an interview with RT (formerly Russia Today) in 2014, characterized by Yahoo News as "sadly hard to take seriously", Hellyer said that at least four species of aliens have been visiting Earth for thousands of years, with most of them coming from other star systems, although there are some living on Venus, Mars and Saturn’s moon. According to him, they "don't think we are good stewards of our planet."

The trouble is, Rael claims that no other ETs other than the Elohim have been visiting Earth.

Sir Winston Churchill
The ET Embassy site claims that Winston Churchill conspired with General Dwight Eisenhower to ban the reporting of UFO incidents for fifty years as a cover up.

Turns out, that claim is a 3rd personaccount from the grandson of an RAF service man. There’s no official records to back up the claim.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell
The current ET Embassy website notes this in reference to Dr. Edward Mitchell as confessing, “The UFO phenomenon is real, though it has been covered up by our governments for a very long time” as evidence of the Elohim.

Turns out, on July 25, 2008, Mitchell clarified that his comments did not involve NASA [as covering up evidence] but quoted unnamed sources, since deceased, at Roswell who confided to him that the Roswell incident did involve an alien craft. Mitchell also claims to have subsequently received confirmation from an unnamed intelligence officer at the Pentagon.

In an interview for AskMen published March 6, 2014, Mitchell said that he had never seen a UFO, that no one had ever threatened him over his claims regarding UFOs, and that any statements about the covering up of UFOs being a worldwide cabal was "just speculation on my part".

What is Rael's opinion on the Roswell incident?... he says they are manufactured propaganda by the governments and hollywood to sensationalize UFOs as being alien invaders, thus discrediting Mitchell's speculations.

Fife Symington
The ET Embassy site mentions Fife Symington as a credible source for the Phoenix UFO sightings of 1997 actually being alien spacecrafts.

The Phoenix Lights, as it is better known, were actually 2 events on the same night: the first a formation of jet aircrafts moving very fast and the other, a string of slow moving flares dropped by the military about 2 hours later.

Dennis Kucinich
The ET Embassy site mentions Dennis Kucinich as a credible witness who saw an alien spacecraft over Shirley Maclaine’s house.

Kucinich admits what he saw was “something unidentified” and then joked about opening a campaign office in Roswell, New Mexico.

Jimmy Carter
The ET Embassy site lastly mentions Jimmy Carter as witnessing an alien spacecraft.

Carter denies what he saw was an alien spacecraft. Additionally, the US Air Force sponsored a project that studied the upper atmosphere using releases of glowing chemical clouds, produced by rockets launched from Eglin AFB rocket range in Florida. Some of these chemical clouds, notably sodium and barium, were visible by the process of resonance scattering of sunlight. Documents confirm the launch of a barium cloud in Carter’s vicinity during his “sighting”.

Looks like the ET Embassy site has nothing but FAKE NEWS to support their claims about the Elohim existing and wanting to “return” to Earth.

Advocatus Diaboli

1 comment:

  1. There are many good loving catholic christians who have been brought up on lies. Entire lives being indoctrinated in society, schools, and churches. Rael is the Messenger for these people. When my father was in the army and stationed at Vandenberg Air Force Base working as an electronics technician, he personally assembled Explorer I. My mother told me that before america's first satellite was launched he wrote his name, her name, my name, and my sister's name on one of the inside panels. She said that he often spoke of "little green men". My father was also a very devout Catholic. I always went to Catholic schools. My father died of a "heart attack" when he was 31 years old, so I never had a chance to ask him the difficult questions. I asked a lot of questions... I was curious about pyramids in the late 70's and discovered a bright white pyramid made entirely of quartz crystal rocks in Grass Valley, California. It was impressive! I walked around and noticed a 12' tall hedge with a metal sign going across an opening in the hedge that read, "Mother Mary's Garden". It looked inviting so I walked into a large rose garden. Next to the garden was an Olympic sized swimming pool. A man walked out to me and said "Can I help you?" "I saw your pyramid out front and I wanted to ask you about it" I replied. He was very welcoming and informative. His name was Samuel Partridge. He said that he had channeling sessions in his home once a month with a group of people and he produced a newsletter of those sessions. He put all the newsletters in a book. I read the book. In the channeling sessions they contacted a "super alien friend of Father God" named Monka. He said that the pyramid is 9' X 9' and 9' tall. He said there were 3 pyramids total located 90' from each other and all aligned with true north. He said that they got instructions on how to build the pyramids during one of the channeling sessions. Then he asked me if I wanted to go inside the pyramid. The energy inside the pyramid was amazing! The closest feeling it comes to is grabbing hold of a very mild electric fence wire while soaking wet. In addition to Monka, they channeled Father God, Mother Mary, Jesus, Buddha, other Deities and Extraterrestrials. I've had 24/7 access to the internet ever since July 1, 1995. In 1999 I decided to see if I could find any information on Monka. Instead I found a book titled, "Not Supernatural God, Nor Evolution: The Truth About Our Extraterrestrial Creators". Since I spent 3 hours listening to 2 men in Laxom Auditorium in Chico, California debate Creationism versus Evolution with neither being able to prove their point nor disprove the other's. Each man had multiple PhD's in Theology and Anthropology respectively, I thought, "I need to get that book!" It answered all my questions. Of course now I have more questions, but the one's I had have been answered by the only one who could answer them. The last prophet of the christian religion.
