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Friday, February 28, 2014

Raelism vs. Science: MARCEL TERUSSE's History of Humanity

Long-time Raelian Bishop Guide, Marcel Terusse proposed a "New Hypothesis for the History of Humanity" that was published in Rael's e-book Intelligent Design (pp. 130-132) by mentioning Richard Nehring's 1978 discovery of the "ring of oil" that plots major oil reserves on Gondwanaland (supercontinent more than 30 million years ago) and explaining it in light of the Raelian interpretation of the biblical Flood, i.e. Elohim nuking Earth.

Terusse contends that there was a "central explosion" around which this "ring of oil" formed and that the Elohim's bombs broke up the "original supercontinent". Yeah, right. X P

There are several problem's with Terusse's hypothesis:

First, the "ring of oil" is not exactly a circle as one would expect around an explosion. Also, according to Rael, the "Garden of Eden" was located near Greece and Turkey (p. 15)... that's hardly at the epicenter of the explosion.

Second, Nehring's map ignores other major reserves that don't fit in his weird oval or whatever... Behrendt (1983) critiqued Nehring's image and produced a more comprehensive map of world oil reserves based on older data. A 2000 USGS survey shows more detail. 

Third, Terusse and Rael assume a sci-fi variant of the outdated "continental drift" model and have no idea about "plate tectonics" which postulates how the stuff below Earth's thin crust is always changing it... check out: Raelism vs. Science: Pangaea

Fourth, Terusse misspells Nehring's name as "Nebring" and erroneously indicates the Hudson Institute (based in Washington DC) instead of the Rand Corporation (based in Santa Monica) as his employer. True, the origin of the Hudson Institute is tied to the Rand Corporation, but Nehring's 1978 report was published by the Rand Corporation. Of course, as with Rael, Terusse does not give any references. LOL

Fifth, fossil fuels take "geological time" to form... certainly not in a few thousands of years. Raelians can thus be branded Young Earth Creationists who like tie-dye. LOL

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