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Friday, February 28, 2014

[RAEL FAIL] He said, She said...

First edition of Rael's 1st book,
"The Book which Tells the Truth", July 1974
The following is an excerpt from Rael's 2nd book, Extraterrestrials Took me to Their Planet (Raelian Foundation, 1975) describing his first wife's involvement in publishing and distribution his 1st book, The Book which Tells the Truth (Raelian Foundation, 1974):

"Alarmed by the mishap [of Rael's original manuscript not being returned to him promptly by a publisher named Marcel Jullian] and by the growing pile of letters from people interested in buying the book containing the message as soon as it was published, Marie-Paul [Rael's first wife] offered to leave her nursing job to help me with the publishing and distribution of this exceptional document." (Intelligent Design, p. 138)

However, sociologist Susan Palmer informs us of some contradictions between Rael's claims and Marie-Paul's own testimony:

"[Rael] awards his wife credit for offering to leave her nursing job to assist him in the publication and distribution of “that extraordinary document,” but she herself recently told a journalist that she had been unaware of his extraterrestrial encounters until the book came out. She also complained that once the family moved into a large medieval cottage in Perigord, people responding to RaĆ«l’s message were constantly coming and going - or staying. “It was a big house with open hospitality. Whoever wanted could come, and I was the maid,” she said (Chantepie 2003, 11)." (Aliens Adored, pp. 36-37)

Check out also, Marie-Paul's testimony how she was married to Rael for 15 years and how he wrecked her life and their children's.

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