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Friday, March 22, 2013

[RaelTV FAIL] The Raelian Sandcastle

Raelian You Tube channel RaelTV has just released a video promoting their plans to build an "Embassy" for their imagined creator ETs to finally reveal themselves. It has some new CGIs of their embassy model, an excerpt from an old 1988 interview of Rael and some questionable images they imply is evidence for their Elohim.

Rael started his "mission" to welcome back the Elohim in 1973. In 1975, the Elohim expressed their desire to have their embassy be built "near Jerusalem". The last time, according to Rael's "official Messiah" website, Israel refused Rael extraterritorial land for building the "3rd Temple"/Embassy for ETs was 20 years later in 1993. Refusal by Israel will have dire consequences:
"In case of a final refusal from Israel, the Elohim will withdraw the protection they have always granted to the Hebrew State since its creation. Israel will then be destroyed and there will be a new Diaspora.
In 1997, Rael apparently got permission to build the embassy anywhere on Earth (Intelligent Design, pp. 358-361). Then in 2003, Rael had declared what remains of his "mission" was to only build the Embassy:
"First, he claimed his mission was “50 percent complete.” He was referring to his mandate to spread the message. “It’s done. I’ve informed the entire planet of my message.The remaining “50 percent” is building the embassy... Raël’s second announcement was that he had appointed Brigitte Boisselier as his successor. He expressed delight that she had found such an effective means of spreading the message. (Aliens Adored, p. 191)
This year will commemorate 40 years of Rael's NON-ACTION to build his Embassy... one wonders if his non-action is what is keeping Israel intact. Meanwhile, the most media coverage Rael's getting these days is from other "actions" such as their annual GoTopless publicity events which doesn't really help Rael realize his dream house.

At 3'06" of the video, Rael admits how he won't be able to ever convince everyone to help him fulfill his prophetic mission... he says "those who are ready will help us". To this effect, the producer of the video embeds popular images of UFOs to make a case for the existence of ETs. The problem is, those images are all either hoaxes or misrepresentations by "those who are ready". To date, Rael has failed to provide any convincing evidence of any flying saucers and thus has not been able to link UFOs to his Elohim. Raelians just have deep faith it's all true. : /

The first of these images appears at 1'11" in the video showing a clip from a viral video from June 2011 titled "UFOs Over London Friday 2011". The original video shows several flaws which indicate the video has computer generated elements. One of the first flaws found was a so-called UFO passing in front of a building. All the other "UFOs" next to it supposedly disappeared behind the clouds, however one of them passes in front of a building which destroys the illusion of depth and exposed the UFO as fake. Here's the full debunking of this video by Hoaxkiller1.

 At 1'47" of the Raelian video, we see another short clip taken from the 4th video of the genre UFO over Temple Mount in Jerusalem that went viral in the beginning of 2011. All of the videos in this series have been shown to have computer generated elements. Hoaxkiller1 debunks the 4th video to exhibit fake zooming here, fake lighting here, and fake flashes here. Rael had claimed that this "event" was definitely "another attempt by the Elohim to wake up the Chosen People" in a press release found on their website. Here is a playlist of videos debunking the Jerusalem UFO conclusively.

Then we see a screen shot of a popular out-of-place-artifact called the Abydos Helicopter at 1'52" of the Raelian video indicating advanced technology in ancient Egypt. The glyphs are actually a result of both erosion of the stone surface (evident elsewhere in the temple) and the process of filling in and re-carving the stone to replace some of the original hieroglyphics. The technical term for such a surface that has been written on more than once is a palimpsest. The usurping and modifying of inscriptions was common in ancient Egypt throughout its history. The Abydos glyph was modified at least once in antiquity, and perhaps twice. Some of the filling has fallen out in places where the older and the newer inscriptions overlap, and the result is unique and odd-looking. Here is a video by Knowwheretorun1984 debunking UFOs in ancient Egyptian art.

In the mean time, Rael will be entitled to live in what they estimate will cost only $37 million to build:
"You [Rael] may live with your wife and children in the residence, which will be under your direction, and you will be able to have servants [Rael's Angels] there and invite guests of your choosing." (Intelligent Design, p. 102)
Will that be at all extravagant, considering what Rael was recently quoted as saying commenting on the frugal life of Uruguay's president?:
"a shame for all western Presidents, White house, Elysee Palace etc... while there are so many homeless how can a President live in extreme luxury , even more than kings of the past !" (Rael, December 2012)
Looks like the Raelian plan to build an embassy is an idea with little to no substance and a good dose of megalomania.

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