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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Raelism vs. Science: Concept of Infinity

According to Rael's compilation e-book, Intelligent Design, our universe:

a) is infinite (p. 154, 155, 156, 239, 245)
b) has galaxies that revolve around its center (p. 211)
c) is an atom of an atom of a molecule of a gigantic being (p. 211)
d) is a living being (p. 255)
e) is located in a gigantic atom (p. 256)
f) All of the above.

Likewise, according to Rael, the planets and stars:

a) are atoms of a gigantic being (p. 90, 91, 154)
b) are living (p.154)
c) are atoms that revolve around a molecule as they do around a galaxy (p. 211)
d) are atoms of an atom of a gigantic being (p. 254, 255)
e) All of the above.

The answer to both questions is the contradictory "All of the above". Saying an atom of an atom just skips one level in infinity (see below). Galaxies do not revolve around the center of the universe... they are all moving away from each other [1]. Atoms do not revolve around a molecule, nor do electrons look or behave like planets in a solar system. Also, if everything is "alive" in the universe (p. 154), does it mean that according Raelism, the planets and stars were also created by intelligent beings? Rael says, "only the form of matter can change according to the wishes of those who have reached a scientific level, which allows them to accomplish this" (p. 155). In other words, life creates life. But, if the planets and stars are also alive, why can't we be just alive as well, and not have been created?

Stars are indeed born and they do die, and planets and all that are on it were born of and have evolved from the stars. We are stardust. Also, atoms don't die of "old age" like stars, although they can be destroyed to release energy that transforms into matter through natural and artificial means. If "time is inversely proportional to mass" (p.154), and if atoms are indeed like stars, then we would expect atoms to explode in "mini-novas" constantly. But, this isn't the case. Radioactive atoms, although similar to a star emitting radiation, doesn't explode but decay into non-radioactive elements. Atoms for the most part, are stable.

 copyright: Raelian Foundation
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Raelian concept of Infinity, introduced in Rael's first book The Book which Tells the Truth (1974), borrows from the Hermetic duality of "what is above is what is below" (p. 62). But, to it Rael adds in his second book ETs Took Me to Their Planet (1975): "You must fully understand that everything is in everything." (p. 154) The model on the right shows 8 gradients for each "level of infinity" that repeats itself ad infinitum in both directions. It gives us the unscientific idea that galaxies, solar systems and planets mimic molecules, atoms and subatomic particles in their structures and movements: 

1-->Universe (subatomic particle)--> cell??
2-->Galaxy--> molecule
3-->Solar system--> atom
4-->Planet--> subatomic particle
5-->Human--> ??
6-->Cell--> universe??
7-->Molecule--> galaxy
8-->Atom--> solar system
9-->Subatomic particle (universe)--> planet

I tried to plug in Rael's analogies, e.g. planets are the atoms; the universe is a gigantic being, etc. in the model above, but they didn''t make much sense. The diagram is also redundant in that it includes humans and microorganisms, such as a cell, which are basically in the same level as objects, such as a planet or a rock. So to reduce redundancy we should have:
copyright: Raelian Foundation
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1-->Universe / planet
2-->Galaxy / molecule
3-->Solar system/ atom
4-->Planet / subatomic particle (universe)
5-->Molecule / galaxy
6-->Atom / solar system
7-->Subatomic particle / planet

Inserting a "human" in this taxonomy makes it a necessary element for infinity... but, we know that not all molecules are necessarily DNA. Aren't there infinitely small worlds in a water molecule?

Note that Rael does NOT write about subatomic particles in his first book... in it, the atom is treated as an elementary particle that are the stars and planets in the next "level of infinity". With the recent discovery of even tinier elements such as bosons and quarks that form composite particles such as protons, Raelians will need to revise their diagram [2]. The former taxonomy (and images above and on the right) first appeared in Rael's fourth book, "Let's Welcome the Extraterrestrials" published in 1979. But, according to Rael's first two books, the following simple taxonomy holds true (which is absurd in its simplicity):

1-->Universe (Human)
2-->Galaxy (Molecule)
3-->Planet (Atom)
4-->Human (Universe)
5-->Molecule (Galaxy)
6-->Atom (Planet)

Jean Sendy's "Coming of the Gods" (1970) 
Also, notice that if our universe is a particle, it is necessarily finite which means everything in it is also discretely finite [3]. Rael contradicts himself when he says our universe is a particle of a gigantic atom and at the same time the same universe is infinite... if our universe is a particle, that makes it finite with a boundary. Rael can't seem to tell between "the Universe" and "our universe"... one is infinite, another has a center!

Jean Sendy in his book "Coming of the Gods" (1970) mentions an idea developed by George Gamow illustrating the continuity of the universe with a scale of sizes called a "reconsideration of man's place in the universe". Gamow has shown that, on a logarithmic scale, a human head is about halfway between the size of an atom and that of the sun, and halfway between the nucleus of an atom and the diameter of the solar system (p. 15). Rael coincidentally describes his concept of Infinity by placing human beings in the middle of the continuum of an infinite fractal universe in his first book "The Book which Tells the Truth" (1974).

Advocatus Diaboli

p.s. Yahweh advises to ignore all Biblical verses not mentioned in the Messages as mere poetic babblings (p. 11, Intelligent Design). Are what Raels describes as infinity also mere poetic babblings or concrete science?

[1] In Raelian newsletter Contact 371, Rael explains that "the galaxies are moving around the center of this universe" so slowly that "the most advanced astronomers of the planet cannot feel it." (p. 7)
[2] In a video Rael ridicules the use of the word "atom" since in Greek it means "indivisible". However, Rael himself uses it in his books that constitute the "Messages". In the video, Rael makes a case for abandoning further study of concepts such as Infinity just because they're difficult to understand. No doubt, if one looks further into Rael concept of Infinity, one will find the same contradictions and errors listed above.
[3] In Raelian newsletter Contact 375, Rael explains that "there is an infinite number of planets like the earth. Some stupid scientists say ‘’is there other planets where there can be life like on earth’’ ? Not one, not a thousand, not one million, there is an infinite number of planets like earth."

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