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Monday, January 23, 2012

RAEL FAIL: ‘Overpopulation is the true cause of Fukushima!’

In a recent speech given in Japan published in on May 9, 2011, Rael commented on the Fukushima problem, saying that the Japanese government indeed made a mistake by building a plant so close to the ocean with such vulnerability to tsunamis, but he also said the Japanese government didn’t have much choice since it has 120 million citizens expecting power. He explained:

"The problem facing humanity is that we need too much electricity because we have too many people on Earth; it is overpopulated. With our present technology, Earth shouldn’t have more than 3 billion people. But we now have more than twice that number. Right now, almost all of the world’s governments are criminals, not because they create nuclear plants, but because they keep pushing people to have more children – and those additional want to have more electricity and hence more facilities like Fukushima. The Fukushima crisis is a result of overpopulation!

 When Rael published his first book in 1974, the world population was about 3.5 billion. Today, the world's population is almost double at 7 billion. However, in 1974, the population of Japan was about 110 million compared to today's almost 130 million people... that's only a 18% increase compared to the 100% in total world population. It seems that Rael has no clue about Japan's demographics and so erroneously picked Japan as an example of overpopulation. In contrast, the world's most populated areas with increasing growth-rates are simply are too poor to have any nuclear power plants.

According to Rael, if there were only 60 million people in Japan, there would be no need for risky plants like Fukushima. According to the Statistics Bureau of Japan, the population of Japan was 60 million back in 1926! It was already about 110 million in 1974. Is Rael suggesting that Japan actually adopt a one-child policy?

Rael further declares in his speech:

The Japanese government is urging Japanese families to have more children. That’s the real crime, not building Fukushima. The only responsible policy would be to say to every human being, as the Message of the Elohim conveyed in 1973, ‘Have less children!’ But we are having more children instead! If humanity survives – and we are not sure it will survive – maybe millions of people will die because of this mistake. And if we do survive, future humanity on Earth will judge us, those living now, and say, ‘How stupid they were!

Here, Rael is mixing Japanese demographics with world demographics again. Actually, the population of Japan is projected to decrease drastically if the already low birth rate continues to fall, as seen from the graph on the right:

Developed countries by large, which includes Japan, have had slight population increases with most of them increasing in a diminishing rate. It is in these technologically advanced countries that we have the most nuclear power plants.

In contrast, developing and underdeveloped countries, especially China and India, has impacted increases in the world population. Below is a graph highlighting Japan and France's (as developed countries with minimal population growth) historical population against other Asian countries (as developing and underdeveloped countries with high population growth).

In relation to China, Rael has declared China having a government that is “politically closest” to that recommended in Messages given him by the Elohim, especially China’s one-child policy for controlling overpopulation. Unfortunately, China's population has been increasing despite its one-child policy and is not expected to decrease until 2040.

Rael continued to say, "The wise decision is to limit the population. Of course people want to love a child; it’s a beautiful thing. But if we transfer that love to loving other people, instead of loving my children, my baby, which is very selfish, we will be loving humanity. If we start to consider humanity as our child, we don’t need this narcissistic experience of having a baby with the same face that we have."

Is Rael making an excuse about him not loving his own children in a special way? In contrast, as Yahweh's alleged son, Rael claims he will be recreated to live eternally on the Planet of Eternals whatever is the outcome of his mission. Strange nepotism there.

As a solution, he added, “The United Nations should force every country on Earth to impose limits of one child per family or per person, everywhere in the world,” he said. “Remember, when you make babies, you are committing a crime against humanity. We have arrived at this kind of funny state of affairs where giving life is giving death. For every time you give birth to a baby, you cause more death in the future because additional babies will need power."

Clearly, Rael has no concept of population density. While counties such as Bangladesh have a population density of over 1,000 people per square kilometers, places such as Canada have a population density of only 4 people per square kilometers! Such places clearly need more people. If the world population is reduced to 3.5 billion, the density (on land excluding Antarctica) should be 25 people per square kilometers. Perhaps it is a better idea to control population density through immigration before imposing draconian one child per family or per person policies. It should be noted that the "one child per person" birth control policy is quite different from what the Elohim advised we do in relation to overpopulation.

Rael even said that if we don't fix this overpopulation problem, we will disappear. “The earth will not disappear, there is no need to save the Earth as the Earth doesn't need us, but Humanity needs the Earth to survive and that's why we must limit our number.”

No, humanity will not disappear but a major depopulation will likely result if we do not change into sustainable systems. There are many nuclear and fossil fuel power alternatives to service humanity with our present technology. Moreover, when Rael says we should limit our numbers, does he mean that we should cut back to 3.5 billion people, or should we keep our population stable at 7 billion?? The former echos the New World Order (NWO) conspiracy theory to drastically reduce world population to a "manageable" size put in place to serve the elite rulers.

Moreover, while Rael tells his followers to not have any children, according to Yahweh every single person MUST produce one offspring in order to stabilize population growth. Notice it's not a choice; if someone decides not to have any children, the population size would shrink.

Rael concluded by saying, "The best act of humility is to recognize the Elohim as our creators and stop thinking we are the leaders of the universe," he said. "We need to accept that some intelligences are higher than ours and welcome them with humility, love and thankfulness. Then they will help us. There is only one way out, and that is to welcome the Elohim and ask them to clean up our mess. Right now, we have thousands of scientists trying to clean Fukushima and they cannot, and it will take at least another 25 years to clean up Chernobyl. They don't know how to do it; they have no clue. The only way to solve the problem is to build the embassy and to welcome the Elohim. If we do that, they will fix it in a few seconds!"

Isn't it funny how Rael sets the date of the Elohim's official arrival to be sometime before 2035? In relation to this date, Rael uses the term "Singularity" from Ray Kurzweil's technological Singularity to describe a time when a technological paradise will be established on Earth. While Kurzweil holds an optimistic view of a symbiotic/merging relationships between humans and AI , technological Singularity usually denotes a time of vertical progress in technology when AI will exceed all humans combined and similar to the Singularity of astrophysics (i.e. past the event horizon of a black hole), where everything becomes unpredictable/incomprehensible for humans. Thus for some futurists, human extinction may be a likely by-product of AI taking over the world. Taking the optimistic view, we should be able to solve all major problems with the help of AI and NOT the Elohim as we approach the Singularity.

By saying that the only solution to save humanity is to welcome the Elohim and ask them to clean up our mess is to lose all confidence in the former to be capable of overcoming problems on its own. Is it not this capacity for humanity for becoming "mature" that we should be deserving of the Elohim's scientific inheritance? After all, this is what Yahweh apparently explained to Rael:

"Out of the three worlds where life has been created, the one which makes the most progress will receive the inheritance. The ones which have not progressed will be dominated by the other and eliminated." (Intelligent Design, p. 75)

It shouldn't be of any surprise when Rael will declare how the Elohim will not return because humanity has failed to make the most progress.

Advocatus Diaboli

January 2012 update: Rael recently selected a news article for Rael-Science that reported Japan's population was contracting at the fastest rate since WWII, and commented:

"This is a wonderful trend! But the article's stupid conclusions follow the paradigm of market capitalism and nationalism, which requires people to have more children to continue paying for those who are aging. And thanks to science, those who are aging will live longer and longer. Following this stupid logic means that we need to run faster toward crazy, unsustainable overpopulation. The end of market capitalism, replaced by paradism, means that we finally can move toward a controlled reduction of the world's human population, with governments pushing people to have fewer children. That is the only solution that can save humanity and protect the environment for future generations. Crazy nationalism, racism and chauvinism are also behind the current stupid policy, since it would be easy to replace the provisional "deficit" of the younger generations by widely opening borders to hungry, Third World immigrants. But nationalists want Japan to be populated only by Japanese, America by Americans, and Europe by Europeans. Even though millions are currently starving in poorer countries, these criminal politicians want to close the borders and urge their own populations to have more “national” babies. This is a crazy, selfish policy."

Good that Rael now knows a little more about Japan's demographics. Also, Rael's more sensible this time calling for the Japanese government to let immigrants help support its growing aging population instead of encouraging locals to have more babies. The problem is, either alternative would lead to overpopulation... LOL

BTW, speaking of nationalism... the Elohim supposedly have 7 regions; each with 1 billion people and each with its unique racial and cultural profile:

Rael: "Are the seven provinces of your world similar?"

Yahweh: "No, as on Earth there are different races and cultures. Our provinces were created and based on those races and cultures, while respecting the freedom and independence of each one." (Intelligent Design, p. 114)

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