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Tuesday, January 17, 2012


According to Rael as part of the "New Commandments" for humanity, "property ownership must be abolished without establishing Communism." (Intelligent Design, p. 97) Under "Humanitarianism", "Everything that is of value such as shares, gold, enterprises, cash, or buildings is owned by the community but may be rented for fortynine years by those who have acquired the means by their own merits and labor." (p. 97) The government of a State "should ensure that people are born with approximately the same level of financial means." Rael clarifies, "Although everyone has the right to have sufficient means to live decently, those who do more for their fellow human beings have the right to receive more than those who do nothing for the community." (p. 196) Therefore, we can assume that the State government should provide subsidies to its citizens to live "decently".

Under the Humanitarianism model, a citizen can opt not to contribute to society by working but still be able to live decently. Citizens who want to earn a steady amount of money can take a salaried job (public or private) and enjoy a higher standard of living. More enterprising citizens can establish their own businesses by renting capital and enjoying profits in addition to salaries and enjoying an increasingly higher standard of living. Under this model, the State government owns all public resources that can be enjoyed by the general public, while people can pay rent to get access to other resouces controlled by the government.

Under Humanitarianism, the financial growth and development of the State depends on private enterprises (personal assets go to the State upon the death of a citizen). In order to provide the means of a decent standard of living for all, public enterprises become essential. Therefore, some people must work in this model.

In contrast, the International Raelian Movement (IRM) operates as a religious movement within a broader society (usually embedded in free market economy). According to Raelism, it is a "commandment" to pay 1% of one's net income as subsidies to Rael (p. 175). Raelians are also encouraged to pay a further 3% and 7% of their net incomes as subsidies for the national movement and IRM respectively. IRM generates revenue from IRM enterprises such as from their Apocalypse magazine, sales of medallions, Happiness Academy conventions, public conferences, etc. IRM provides capital and enjoys profits.

The Raelian Foundation (RF) is where donations to Rael (and Embassy) goes to... RF also generates revenue from Rael's books. Raelians can opt not to volunteer work to carry out IRM enterprises, but still have to pay subsidies to Rael and to national movements/IRM if they are members of the "Structure". Raelians who work voluntarily are rewarded with status and more responsibility with IRM. However, Raelians have to acquire their own means of living decently... no one is paid for their contributions to IRM.

Under the IRM monetary scheme, the IRM and RF grow financially indefinitely, even if some IRM enterprises fail because of subsidies from Raelians (personal assets also go to RF upon the death of a Raelian as another "commandment"; p. 192).

Check out: Raelism and Money: Raelism and Money: NO, HE MAKES NOTHING!!

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