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Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Elohim's (erroneous) Advice on Overpopulation

According to Rael's book Intelligent Design, (1) "You MUST develop contraception and pass STRICT LAWS authorizing *WOMEN* to have no more than two children." (pg.106, Intelligent Design)

Speaking about his own world, Yahweh states, (2) "If a couple has only two children, the population will arrive at a point where it no longer increases." (3)"We have children and we observe the rule which I have just explained. Two parents, two children. This keeps our population constant" (p.106-107).

The rule that a woman can't have more than 2 children does NOT stabilize a population UNLESS ratio of M:F=1:1 which isn't mentioned. Also, how the ratio will be maintained isn't explained. We can assume it would involve eugenics such as IVF.

The first two quotes are also contradictory in the sense that the 1st one allows for multiple partners while the 2nd doesn't. The 3rd is assumed to be the same as the 2nd rule.
The Elohim's (erroneous) Rule for curbing our Overpopulation Problem © Advocatus Diaboli 2011.


My solution is 1 person 1 child, regardless of gender, then things DO stabilize. The only problem, each person MUST reproduce OR give their rights to someone else.

If no one wants to receive that birthing right from the one who doesn't want it, cloning is an option. Then, we must find a donor/host to clone.

If no donor/host is available, then we have the choice of creating a child from scratch provided we have the technology.
Alternative Solution proposed by Advocatus Diaboli (1 person 1 child) © Advocatus Diaboli 2011.

Advocatus Diaboli


  1. Hello Advocatus Diaboli,

    I come in peace, I also am an ex-raelian.
    I live in France.

    I observed this in a couple of Raelians :

    One parent who already has two children had a third child with a new partner who had a child for the first time.

    Sorry, could you explain me this I don't understand :
    1 child 1 person and
    2 parents 2 children.
    What makes the difference ?

    Friendly yours,


    1. Hi Poupeda... I'm sorry for this late response.

      2 parents 2 children implies both the parents are parents of both the children. In other words, the 2 parents are necessarily a couple who have 2 children.

      The above is not the same as 1 woman having 2 children from different fathers. In such a case, you would have 3 parents 2 children.

      But, if you have 1 person 1 child, this rule implies a man or a woman cannot have more than 1 child to his/her name. Here, a man or a woman can have many children with multiple partners, with each child assigned to one person. The child will have 2 parents.

      I hope the difference is clear now.
