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Friday, January 13, 2012

2035, 2025 or 2020 (or even 2015)?

Rael keeps changing the date of the Elohim arrival
Rael keeps changing the date of the Elohim arrival

At the end of the interview dating back in 1986, Rael declares 2020 as the deadline for the Elohim's arrival.

Ex-Raelian members can even testify that the deadline was once 2015.

Sociologist Susan J. Palmer indicates 2025 as the deadline mostly held by Raelians in her book Aliens Adored (2004).

The latest official deadline is 2035 (since 2001 when Rael published "Yes to Human Cloning" in which he mentions Vernor Vinge's concept of technological Singularity. The date 2035 was often cited by the proponents of the concept. Ray Kurzweil goes for 2045).

Interestingly, in 2035, Rael will turn 89 years old. By then, he'll have nothing to lose. Check out: Rael's End Game.

1 comment:

  1. rael saying elohim return around 2025
